The X-MEN Franchise Films We Lost
A deep dive into the X-Men films that Fox had in development before the Disney merger. [click for more]
A deep dive into the X-Men films that Fox had in development before the Disney merger. [click for more]
It wasn’t the failure of AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 but rather scheduling problems that has delayed SINISTER SIX from reaching the big screen. [click for more]
If the studio gets any into production before the Fox/Disney merger closes Disney will be obligated to finish and release them. [click for more]
We might see the Fox Marvel characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as early as 2019. [click for more]
Goddard is the latest scribe to tackle X-FORCE, which is an important part of Fox’s Marvel mutant shared universe. [click for more]
You better be ready for much more cinematic mutant superheroics, because Fox is planning on bringing that to you! [click for more]
The STRANGER THINGS and SUICIDE SQUAD actor might be adding DEADPOOL 2 to his resume. [click for more]
Carnahan adds writing X-FORCE onto an already busy schedule. [click for more]
Not having a director for DEADPOOL 2 is going to stop Fox from planning DEADPOOL 3. [click for more]
Are you ready for THE PROWLER: THE MOVE? [click for more]
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