So What’s Up With High Frame Rate?
Is there a future for the high-def process? [click for more]
Is there a future for the high-def process? [click for more]
Bilbo and Elrond have a heart-to-heart chat. [click for more]
The films will be accompanied by over 130 minutes of extras. [click for more]
What to expect when the first part of Jackson’s HOBBIT adaptation hits home video. [click for more]
So where did Gandalf get that map and key anyway? [click for more]
So fearsome is The Hobbit that all of Hollywood lets it keep its release weekend to itself. [click for more]
Does Peter Jackson’s return to Middle Earth stack up to what he has done before? [click for more]
The new trailer reveals more about the story. Does it pique your interest? [click for more]
Just days away from the premier and there is still work to be done. [click for more]
Lots of behind-the-scenes look at the upcoming film. [click for more]
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