At one point it looked like Richard O’Brien and company were gearing up to the Time Warp again. Here’s how it would have gone. [click for more]
At one point it looked like Richard O’Brien and company were gearing up to the Time Warp again. Here’s how it would have gone. [click for more]
On September 26, 1975, The Rocky Horror Picture Show had its North American debut. While no one would argue that it is a perfect movie, I don’t think that anyone would argue that it hasn’t [click for more]
It looks like one of the original creative forces behind the cult classic The Rocky Horror Picture Show will not be participating in the planned remake of the musical we told you about last month. Richard [click for more]
Here is a story from the “Who thought this was a good idea?” file. MTV is looking at producing a made-for-television remake of the 1975 cult classic Rocky Horror Picture Show. Variety reports that the film’s [click for more]
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