Where’s Tarantino’s WGA Nomination For ONCE UPON A TIME IN HOLLYWOOD?
The answer lies within the question of who snubbed who first? [click for more]
The answer lies within the question of who snubbed who first? [click for more]
The Harvey Weinstein scandal has shifted from the morals of Weinstein to the morals of the victims. That doesn’t help anyone. [click for more]
Let’s see what film comes in second to The Amazing Spider-Man this week. [click for more]
1. Max Payne (3,200 Theaters, 100 Minutes, Rated PG-13): I have to admit, I’m not a big video game fan. I used to be. I used to make it a point to rent every game that [click for more]
If all the hubbub leading up to this past Friday’s first Presidental Debate was not enough to whet your political whistle, this weekend sees the release from Lionsgate of the final trailer for Oliver Stone’s George [click for more]
CNN has graced us with a short clip from Oliver Stone’s upcoming George W. Bush bio-pic W, featuring the scene where a young Bush (Josh Brolin) mets his future wife Laura Welch (Elizabeth Banks) at [click for more]
Film School Rejects have a picture of a series of posters that have shown up in Denver for Oliver Stone’s upcoming George W. Bush biopic W. Those following the presidental elections probably know that Denver [click for more]
On Monday, we told you about the Hollywood Reporter passing copies of the script to controversial director Oliver Stone’s forthcoming President George W. Bush bio-pic W to several Bush biographers for their reaction. Now, the [click for more]
When someone as politically outspoken as Oliver Stone announces that they will be making a fair and accurate film on the life of current President George W. Bush, skeptical eyebrows are bound to gain some [click for more]
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