Johnny Depp
Johnny Depp Signs For ALICE IN WONDERLAND 2
No surprise he’ll be back, but who is clamoring for this movie? [click for more]
Depp Not Signed For LONE RANGER Sequels
The actor will have the upper-hand in negotiating any return for a second or third film. [click for more]
Depp Drops Out Of Whitey Bulger Biopic BLACK MASS Over Pay Dispute
Depp leaves as producers try to trim budget. [click for more]
New Releases: March 8, 2013
Let’s see how powerful Oz really is. [click for more]
Catch A Train With The Second LONE RANGER Trailer
The second trailer for Disney’s The Lone Ranger has been released. Thanks to it clocking in at a minute longer than the first, it goves us a bit more of his origins for the uninitiated, [click for more]
First Trailer For LONE RANGER Rides Into Town
Lots of Tonto and a bit of the Ranger himself. [click for more]
Is Warners Rethinking Depp’s THIN MAN Remake?
The planned remake of the classic film may have hit a snag. [click for more]
LONE RANGER Overbudget And Being Rewritten
Shooting schedule overruns send the western’s budget skyward. [click for more]
Hollywood’s New Kind Of Originality
Hollywood loves adding their own spin to existing properties–usually with dire results. But their unique brand of meddling is getting worse. [click for more]