CONFESS FLETCH Sequel Dead At Miramax
The project became the victim of a regime change at studio Miramax. [click for more]
The project became the victim of a regime change at studio Miramax. [click for more]
The MAD MEN star is the latest actor attached to bring the comic mystery novel series back to the big screen following in the footsteps of Chevy Chase. [click for more]
The studio is moving ahead on the long in development project. [click for more]
Why you aren’t seeing the further adventures of… [click for more]
Can Mandel succeed where Kevin Smith, Bill Lawrence and Steve Pink could not? [click for more]
Kenneth Mars, the comic actor who appeared in two of director Mel Brooks’ best comedies, has died this past Saturday of pancreatic cancer at his home in Granada Hills, Calif. He was 75. In Brooks’ [click for more]
Warner Brothers have picked up the film adaptation rights to novelist Gregory MacDonald’s popular Fletch series of mysteries. The studio doesn’t have a writer or director attached to a potential film yet, but the Hollywood [click for more]
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