El Mayimbe And The Dark Art Of Hucksterism
The Latino Review writer’s announcement of his battle with cancer was shocking, but not as shocking as what came after it. [click for more]
The Latino Review writer’s announcement of his battle with cancer was shocking, but not as shocking as what came after it. [click for more]
Is Bay and Lobo a great pairing…or THE GREATEST PAIRING! [click for more]
The latest Marvel rumors bring a three yeaes dead rumor back to life, and give us glances at Marvel’s cinematic future. [click for more]
Fans of Cap and Thor are not going to like this, but take solace. It comes from Latino Review and they are hardly ever right. [click for more]
Two 2015 Marvel films might have found members of their supporting casts. [click for more]
Judging by the evidence presented, probably not. [click for more]
We seriously doubt that Marvel will have a Black Panther film shooting in 2014. [click for more]
Perhaps this is all part of Marvel Studios’ nefarious plan to discredit El Mayible once and for all? [click for more]
A popular Hulk story line might make up the meat of Phase 3, if the powers that be can go around some roadblocks first. [click for more]
No, not Black Panther. The Guardians of the Galaxy. [click for more]
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