Review: THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RINGS OF POWER Entertainingly Expands Tolkien’s Middle-Earth
The highly anticipated Prime Video series is off to a rousing start as it take viewers back to Tolkien’s Middle-Earth. [click for more]
The highly anticipated Prime Video series is off to a rousing start as it take viewers back to Tolkien’s Middle-Earth. [click for more]
On this installment Rich Drees and Natasha Bogutzki get ready for back to school time with a look at Robin Williams’s turn as an inspirational cinematic teacher. [click for more]
The man who ushered in the first MCU TV series may be getting handed the reigns of one of the biggest group of characters who have yet to be seen in the MCU. [click for more]
The final (?) installment in the long running franchise will debut on streaming the same day as it bows in theaters. [click for more]
The in-production animated Batman series is the latest project to fall victim of cost-cutting measures at the streaming unit of Warner Brothers Discovery. [click for more]
The ticket service starts its return from bankruptcy with a beta period enrollment waitlist starting later this week. [click for more]
On this installment of the Big Picture Podcast, Editor-in-Chief Rich Drees and Contributing Editor Natasha Bogutzki take a look at HBO’s WestWorld as the series’s fourth season winds to a close. [click for more]
Aubrey Plaza stars as a 30-something woman who turns to credit card fraud to make ends meet. [click for more]
The new bosses are getting bad press for cancelling BATGIRL. However, it is a case of them continuing Warners’ mismanagement of their DC Comics films. [click for more]
Accounting tricks may give the studio a short-term gain, but will there be longer lasting consequences for the incoming regime for cancelling the nearly completed BATGIRL film? [click for more]
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