2020 In Review: What The Top Ten Grossers Say About The State of Cinema
What does it say? That 2020 sucked. [click for more]
What does it say? That 2020 sucked. [click for more]
On this installment of the The Big Picture Podcast, we take a look at the superhero sequel WONDER WOMAN 1984. [click for more]
There were comic book films this year, but only slightly more than half that were planned thanks to the pandemic. [click for more]
The superhero sequel is the holiday weekend box office champ despite a simultaneous rollout on the HBO Max streaming service. [click for more]
Whose is ready to have three different Batmans (Batmen?) on the silver screen at the same time? [click for more]
We’ve already seen what Rich Drees thought of the film, but what did FBOL’s Comic Book Editor Emeritus think of WONDER WOMAN 1984? [click for more]
The anticipated sequel doesn’t build on the solid foundation of the first film. [click for more]
On this installment, Rich and Natasha talk about the movies that have become family traditions to watch during the holiday season, while on their main review they talk about the new Netflix film MA RAINEY’S BLACK BOTTOM. [click for more]
The adaptation of the popular young adult fantasy trilogy will wrpa up next year. [click for more]
Lucasfilm has issued a clarification for what they exactly meant about Boba Fett’s future with that tease from THE MANDALORIAN season finale. (Spoilers) [click for more]
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