In not entirely unexpected news, Chris Pratt will be joining the cast of Marcel’s Thor: Love And Thunder, reprising his role of Peter “Star Lord” Quill.
When we last saw both characters at the end of 2019’s Avengers: End Games, they were heading out into space together, Thor having joined up with the Quill’s Guardians of the Galaxy group. The two were bickering as to who was in charge. Looks like we see who, if anyone, won that argument.
So far no additional Guardians actors have been announced as joining the cast of Love And Thunder, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see at least a few more announced.
We do know that Natalie Portman will be back to reprise her role as Thor’s sometime love interest Jane Foster. She will be joined by Tessa Thompson once again playing Valkyrie and Taika Waititi will be once again voicing the rocky alien Korg. Christian Bale will be joining the MCU with this film in an undisclosed villainous role.
Waititi, who directed Thor: Ragnarok, will be returning behind the camera for Love And Thunder as well as co-scripting the film with Jennifer Kaytin Robinson.
Thor: Love And Thunder starts production in Australia at the beginning of the new year with a release date set for February 11, 2022.