Creator Vince Gilligan Working On BREAKING BAD Film

The film promises to tie up loose ends, but in what way we are not sure

When we all heard that the goofy dad from Malcolm in the Middle would be cast in a basic cable show playing a science teacher turned drug lord, you could be forgiven for thinking it might not last one season before flaming out. But Breaking Bad became a smash hit, one of the most well-regarded series of all time, and started a shared universe of spin-offs. That shared universe looks to be getting just a bit bigger.

Production is set to start in Albuquerque, New Mexico for a new film by Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan called Greenbriar. The town was also the setting for the TV series, and sources at the Albuquerque Journal state that the film will take place in the Breaking Bad universe. The connection was also confirmed by Variety , Hollywood Reporter and later by Walter White himself, Bryan Cranston, on The Dan Patrick Show.

Little is known about the film other than it is set to start filming in mid-November, running into February 2019, and it is about a kidnapped man and his quest for freedom. Cranston also added that the film will tie up some loose ends for certain characters that fans felt didn’t have proper closure on.

Other than that, we do not know yet whether or not the 2-hour film will appear in theaters or on television, or that series leads Cranston and Aaron Paul will return. Cranston states while Gilligan had informed him of the project, he has yet to see a script for it.

Breaking Bad completed its 5-season run in 2013, but has lived on in the currently-running Better Call Saul prequel spin-off series.

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About Bill Gatevackes 2078 Articles
William is cursed with the shared love of comic books and of films. Luckily, this is a great time for him to be alive. His writing has been featured on Broken, and in Comics Foundry magazine.
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