Warner Brothers thinks that Lobo could do for them what Deadpool did for Fox–be a genre-breaking, R-Rated box office blockbuster. And they are so serious about bringing him to the big screen they are talking with a director who knows a thing or two about genre-breaking, R-Rated box office blockbusters.
The Wrap reports that Michael Bay has met with DC Entertainment about the Lobo film and has given notes to screenwriter Jason Fuchs towards a rewrite that might compel Bay to come onto the project in a larger role.
I feel I have to say that this news comes to us from Umberto Gonzalez, the gossipmonger former known as El Mayimbe. We have had issues with El Mayimbe’s accuracy in the past, but he has gotten better in that regard as he has moved up the entertainment media food chain.
Bay’s attachment to the project might cause an angry uproar amongst fans. Bay has a reputation as an Uwe Boll who made a better deal with the devil–a hack who never let plot or characterization stand in the way or a good action scene where things blow up.
But Lobo was presented as a parody of the grim antihero movement in comics of the 1990s where being cool and badass were more important than plot or deep characterization. With a little introspection, Bay could be the perfect director for the project. But even without any introspection, Bay might accidentally stumble into being what the film needs in a meta sense.
More on this as it develops.
As much as I dislike Michael Bay, this May actually be a good fit.