Although he was appearing at New York Comic Con today to promote his upcoming film Replicas, Keanu Reeves took a few moments at the end of the panel to update fans on the status of some other projects they have been waiting for. And among the tidbits he revealed was the actual title for the long in development third Bill & Ted film – Bill & Ted Face The Music.
There’s a script out there, it’s called Bill & Ted Face The Music. We’re just trying to get it made, because show business is tough.
It’s a cautionary tale. Bill and Ted were supposed to save the world and we see that they’re older and they haven’t saved the world. Their children are grown up and their wives are like “What the ‘f’?” Bill and Ted are just trying to write the song to save the world and it is just weighing on them. And then the future comes and says – [Reeves pantomimes impatiently tapping a wrist watch] ‘You gotta write that song.’
We want to get it all worked and make it hopefully before I’m sixty. But I still think it’s funny to see Bill and Ted in their 50s.
Bill & Ted Face The Music was a rumored title for the project several years back. However no one involved has ever actually confirmed that title until today.
The script that Reeves is referring to is by screenwriters Chris Matheson and Ed Solomon, who authored the first two films. Currently Galaxy Quest helmer Dean Parisot is attached to direct. Reeves will of course be joined by his Bill and Ted co-star Alex Winter.
As to when it will actually get in front of cameras, Reeves promises “We’re working on it.”
This won’t end well.