This Hellboy reboot, Hellboy: Rise Of The Blood Queen, has been coming together rather quickly. It has not even been four full months since it was announced that Neil Marshall would be directing a new installment in the franchise with David Harbour stepping into the demonic titular role. As the movie starts to ramp up for a September production start, we are now getting word as to who will be joining Harbour in the cast.
The Hollywood Reporter is stating that American Gods star Ian McShane has been cast as Hellboy’s adoptive father, Professor Broom. McShane’s casting places the character a bit younger than he appeared in the two previous Guillermo del Toro-directed Hellboy films when he was played by John Hurt.
According to the Reporter –
The new story sees the hero squaring off against a medieval sorceress who seeks to destroy humankind.
As production gets closer to its planned start next month, expect many more casting announcements in the coming weeks.