Warner Brothers Adds Two DC Extended Universe Films In 2020

Well, it looks like Warner Brothers might have another thing to talk about at SDCC 2017!

The Wrap is reporting that the studio has made five changes to it’s release schedule–one date being moved and four new additions. DC Extended Universe films take up two of the new dates:

GAME NIGHT moves from 02/14/18 to 03/02/18

An UNTITLED WB ANIMATION FILM will be released on 06/01/18

An UNTITLED WB EVENT FILM will be released on 12/13/19

An UNTITLED DC FILM will be released on 02/14/20

An UNTITLED DC FILM will be released on 06/05/20

Game Night is a Jason Bateman vehicle about a group of friends who play games together who have to solve a real murder. It will be directed by John Francis Daley & Jonathan Goldstein and will also star Rachel McAdams, Jesse Plemmons and Kyle Chandler.

WB Animation has a number of projects in development currently without release dates. The LEGO Billion Brick Race one based on the Bone graphic novel series, Space Jam 2, and a film based on the Adventure Time cartoon are the films is question. I hope that it’s is Bone, but it will probably be the LEGO thing.

I have no clue what the event film will be, because I have no idea what Warners means by “event.”

As for the DCEU films? Well, that is also hard to say. The release schedule has a lot of spots reserved for DCEU films but with no films named. They probably won’t be The Flash or Justice League Dark because they have director issues. The Batman probably will arrive earlier. Gotham City Sirens is a possibility. They might also be sequels to Man of SteelWonder Womanor Suicide Squad.

Maybe we’ll find out more during Warners’ panel at SDCC 2017 on Saturday? We’ll have to wait and see!


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About Bill Gatevackes 2080 Articles
William is cursed with the shared love of comic books and of films. Luckily, this is a great time for him to be alive. His writing has been featured on Broken Frontier.com, PopMatters.com and in Comics Foundry magazine.
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