STAR TREK 4 Announced, Hemsworth To Return

STAR TREK 4 hemsworthAnnouncing a sequel before the previous installment hits theater is nothing new. Heck, nowadays it’s a common practice. But Paramount officially announcing Star Trek 4 days before Star Trek: Beyond hits theaters and informing us that a character killed off in the first film will be returning as well, that’s big news.

Variety is reporting that Chris Hemsworth will be joining Chris Pine and the rest of the cast for the next installment. As many of you might know, Hemsworth, before he became a star with Thor in 2011, had a small part in 2009’s Star Trek reboot as the ultimately doomed Captain George Kirk, the father of Pine’s James T. Kirk. The press release states that the two will cross paths, so it is a pretty safe bet that the next installment with feature time travel. (Duh!)

On the one hand, this will be interesting, having Hemsworth come back after making a name for himself, and the drama of a son reuniting with his dead father almost writes itself. On the other, can we maybe, someday see the Enterprise tackle other parts of the Star Trek mythos? Like the Romulans or the Klingons or any classic TV concept that would rock on the big screen? How about just exploring new worlds?

No word on who will be directing the film or who, if anybody, will be replacing Anton Yelchin as Chekov. No release date was provided in the press release.

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About Bill Gatevackes 2080 Articles
William is cursed with the shared love of comic books and of films. Luckily, this is a great time for him to be alive. His writing has been featured on Broken, and in Comics Foundry magazine.
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