1. Money Monster (TriStar, 3,104 Theaters, 98 Minutes, Rated R for language throughout, some sexuality and brief violence, Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer at Press Time: 61% Fresh [72 Reviews]): In these trying economic times, people are looking to make as much money as they can, or at very least keep the money they have.
George Clooney plays the hose of a “Mad Money” type show who is kidnapped on-air by someone who lost everything taking his advice. Together, they work to find out how a sure thing became a total bust.
Having Clooney and Julia Roberts in the same film is great, and I like Jodie Foster as a director. The topic is timely, but this doesn’t really seem like a summer blockbuster to me.
2. The Darkness (High Top Releasing, 1,755 Theaters, 92 Minutes, Rated PG-13 for thematic elements, some disturbing violence, brief sensuality and language, Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer at Press Time: N/A [Not enough reviews]): So, a PG-13 horror film that isn’t shown to critics seems pretty much like a sacrificial lamb. Something that’s just released in the faint hopes that if someone might just want to see two movies in a day and might choose this one on a whim.
However, this one has some name actors in it: Kevin Bacon, Paul Reiser, Ming-Na Wen, Jennifer Morrison. That seems like a cast that’s a bit above a cut and run venture.
The film is about a family who comes back from vacation and brings an evil spirit with them. Bad stuff happens.