Avengers: Infinity War Part I and Part II are no longer going to be part of Marvel Studios schedule.
Don’t worry, you will still be getting Avengers films in 2018 and 2019, they’ll just be named something different.
The Russo Brothers announced that a name change is in the works during an interview with UPROXX to promote Captain America: Civil War. The reason they gave for the change was that they are making two completely different films, and the titles should reflect that. No new titles were mentioned.
I always thought the Part I and Part II modifiers didn’t really make much sense here. Their use in the Harry Potter and The Hunger Game franchise symbolized that one book was being turned into two films. No matter what the plot line is, Avengers: Infinity War was never going to be a straight up adaptation of the comic book. The Marvel Cinematic Universe is just too different from the comics for that to happen.
UPROXX mentions that people might think that breaking the film down into parts would cause angry audiences, thinking each time they only got half a movie. Considering that EVERY Marvel film plays into one grand narrative, that fear might be a bit unfounded.
Being that not much is known about the plots of the films, any guesses on potential titles will be ballpark estimates at best. Avengers: Prelude to War and Avengers at War? Avengers: The Infinity Gaunlet and Avengers: The Infinity Crusade? Avengers: Hunt for the Infinity Gems and Avengers: Thanos Rising?
Let us know your guesses in the comments!