When the latest reboot of the Spider-Man franchise was announced, many wondered what moniker from the comics it would be called. The Raimi trilogy decided to go sans adjective. The Andrew Garfield installment added “Amazing” to the title. So comic fans speculated what the Marvel Cinematic Universe version would be called. The Sensational Spider-Man? The Spectacular Spider-Man? Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man? Peter Parker, Spider-Man?
How about none of the above?
At CinemaCon yesterday, Sony announced that the new Spider-Man film will be called Spider-Man: Homecoming.
As far as I can tell, Spidey has never starred in a comic book with that title, so this will be a break from what has become before in the franchise. The title has a meta meaning outside of the film, as it surely refers to the character returning home to Marvel comics after years at Sony. It is not known if the title has any special meaning to the plot of the movie.
Sony did state that the film will focus on Peter Parker’s journey to find himself. They also showed a clip from the film featuring Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark, Tom Holland as Peter and Marisa Tomei as Aunt May.
Even though Sony didn’t go much farther in describing the film, rumors about the film spread around Vegas, where CinemaCon is being held. Devin Faraci of Birth, Movies, Death states that he heard that the Vulture will be appearing as a villain in the film. Faraci did not know if he will be the main bad guy or just a villain along the lines of the Rhino in Amazing Spider-Man 2, one that provides a bit of action at the beginning of the film before it plunges into the main story. However, Faraci’s sources are leaning towards the latter.
The Vulture was supposed to be in Raimi’s aborted fourth installment and the set was staged for him to appear in future sequels to Amazing Spider-Man, so it makes sense that of all the Spidey villains, he’d be the one to get the call. But this begs the question who the main bad guy will be if the Vulture is a second level enemy. Kevin Feige has gone on record saying that they were going to move away from any rogues gallery member that has been used before., so that leaves off Green Goblin and Doctor Octopus. Could the Kingpin from Netfix’s Daredevil series be brought in as the main bad guy? Perhaps Hobgoblin? Jackal? Or more recent baddies such as Morlun? We shall see.
Spider-Man Homecoming will be hitting theaters on July 7, 2017.
Sony Announces SPIDER-MAN Reboot Title, Rumors Of Villain Circulate https://t.co/ahyrIJSF02
It’s going to be Willem Defoe as Marylin Monroe from the superbowl commercial.