Despite what Marvel Studios would have you believe, the modern day crossover cinematic universe had its origins with Kevin Smith and it is looking as he may be expanding the size of his New Jersey-based ViewAskewniverse to encompass our neighbors to the north in Canada.
Based on an idea he had while working on the screenplay for Moose Jaws, the film which will round out his True North Trilogy which also consists of last year’s Tusk and the upcoming Yoga Hosers, Smith has asked fans if they would like see his perennial stoners of his ViewAskewniverse comedies Jay and Silent Bob (played by Jason Mewes and Smith himself, respectively) pop up in the film. If you have time to read through the comments, it seems that fans are making good arguments for both keeping the two “universes” separate and for joining them up.
Personally, I think I would like to see them stay separate. We know that we will be seeing Jay and Silent Bob and other ViewAskewniverse denizens in the future with the upcoming Clerks III and the Mallrats sequel MallBrats which should be shooting later this summer.