New Releases: April 3, 2015

fast-furious-71. Furious 7 (Universal, 4004 Theaters, 137 Minutes, Rated PG-13 for prolonged frenetic sequences of violence, action and mayhem, suggestive content and brief strong language, Rotten Tomatoes: 82% Fresh [113 Reviews]): I saw Fast & Furious 6 and fell in love with the franchise again. The first film was surprisingly good, but then the quality dipped as stars left, came back and left again.

But the sixth installment was mindless fun. Just sit back and watch the characters go through the basic plot line and be entertained by the fancy cars and the impressive stunt work. I looked forward to this installment quite a lot.

Every state has its own laws regarding car accidents and the various facets involved in them like litigation and insurance. Though the basic frame is the same all over the variations in the laws are state specific, with a lot of them being unique to a particular state. Hence, it is essential for someone to hire good car accident law firms to represent him or her in case of an accident.

Car accident law firms specialize in fighting accident cases. What this means for the victims is that there are specialists who have the skill and expertise to fight car accident cases. These specialists know the ins and outs of the pertaining legalities. Victims will get a better representation in court and a better deal from the insurance firms. Not only will the attorneys fight tooth and nail for a ruling favoring the client, but will also negotiate with the insurance company to get the best possible compensation for the victim.

Not surprisingly, statistics show that car crash victims represented by car accident law firms often win more than three times the claims from the insurance companies.

The reason for this is that a car accident often involves many of complex issues that include various parties with an intricate connection existing between them. There are a lot of things that determine the final outcome of such a case. Only a car accident law firm knows well how each issue will impact each case individually. You can read this content for more about the Car Accident Law Firm.

Car accident law firms are aware of the tricks played by insurance firms. This means that they have garnered an expertise in beating them at their own game and at settling the cases fast, thereby avoiding prolonged litigation.

It is in the best interest for someone involved in a car accident to hire a car accident law firm and increase the chances of getting the best of the deal.

No matter where you’re driving there’s a high possibility that you could meet in an accident, and they involve anything from bumper-thumpers to major accidents causing deaths and extended hospital stays. However, each crash needs the help of an auto accident attorney, and these attorneys should be able to practice all aspects of auto crashes, such as negligence of the driver who hit you, bad maintenance of the car and ignoring call-backs from their car company. Therefore, the best accident attorney would be able to help you prove that the accident was the fault of the other party, hence ensuring that you the necessary compensation.

Motor vehicle crashes will cost you time, property, health or even your life. They occur because of human error, negligence, manufacturing problems as well as bad weather in addition to many other unpredictable causes. Regardless of the cause, the accident can really affect what started out as a normal day, turning it into a struggle, both physically and certainly emotionally. Speaking with your lawyer can certainly help you discuss your problems, your rights and your future. Once you call your attorney, he or she can help you to find out more.

After an auto accident, you may think you know who caused it. However, blame can only be assessed by knowing who acted and which laws were broken. If the other driver broke the law, you have to prove how the offending driver broke the law and that that breach caused your damages. Again, the help of an attorney can be of great help when going against an insurance company, seeking financial help for your injuries or defending yourself.

Then series star Paul Walker died during filming, causing the film to be delayed. That would be enough to cast a pall over any film, but the fact that he died in a high-speed car accident made the shadow over the film even bigger. And, if that wasn’t enough, this film’s plot is propelled by the on-screen death of one of the characters in a car wreck. All of a sudden, mindless fun became a morbid curiosity.

I guess it would be up to us to not let the real world events behind the film influence our enjoyment of the film. I’m just not sure I could do that.

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About Bill Gatevackes 2081 Articles
William is cursed with the shared love of comic books and of films. Luckily, this is a great time for him to be alive. His writing has been featured on Broken, and in Comics Foundry magazine. He also runs the Billboard Comics channel on YouTube.
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