Back in 2011, when Marvel announced that it was developing Guardians of the Galaxy for the screen, they also announced that another interesting Marvel property would be joining them in development–The Inhumans. The Guardians were first into the breech, presumably to test the water and see if movie audiences would respond to such a little known property.
Now that Guardians of the Galaxy is turning out to be a smash hit, now it is The Inhumans’ turn to get some love from Marvel.
Collider is reporting that Marvel is shopping an Inhumans script around to potential directors. The script was written by Joe Robert Cole, who, like GotG‘s screenwriter Nicole Perlman, was part of Marvel’s writing program. Collider states they are trying to hire a director like James Gunn, one who can seamlessly bring his own style to Marvel’s per-prescribed vision.
This news comes on the heels of a rather big hint Vin Diesel gave about his involvement with the film last week:
Note the capital “I” on Inhuman.
Rumors abounded at the time Diesel was cast as the voice of Groot that Marvel had locked him in for another role further on down the line. Obviously, nothing definite has been announced, but the only Inhuman I can see an actor of Diesel’s popularity playing would be their leader Black Bolt. If this is the role that Diesel ends up in, it will mean that for Marvel the actor has provided a voice for a character yet was not seen and with will play a character that is seen but not heard (Black Bolt is mute because his voice is his power–even a whisper is massively destructive).
I’m sure we’ll hear more on this in the coming months.
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