Sony To Spinoff Female Hero From SPIDER-MAN Franchise

2944993-blackcatWhen Amazing Spider-Man 2 failed to make $1 billon dollar and instead became the lowest grossing Spidey film Sony put out, it caused the studio to rethink and reorder its plans to spin the property off into a shared universe. However, it appears that some good is going to come from this reorganization.

Deadline is reporting that Sony is planning to spin out a female centric film out of the Spider-Man franchise in 2017.

There is no word as to who the female in question would be. The most logical choice would be  Black Cat, if only because her alter ego, Felicia Hardy, was brought to life by Felicity Jones in Amazing Spider-Man 2. Granted, she was just a personal assistant in the film, but at least she was introduced into film continuity. Other characters mentioned were the heroic Silver Sable and Spider-Woman and villains such as Stunner.

Deadline states that Lisa Joy Nolan will be scripting. Nolan is the wife of Jonathan and sister-in-law of Christopher, so she does have a comic film pedigree.

The film would be arriving in theaters the same year as Warner’s long-suffering Wonder Woman. It took Warners decades to finally get a film starring the world’s most famous superheroine announced (albeit unofficially). Marvel has a number of stron, female heroes–both that have already appeared on screen and waiting in the wings, yet they seem a long ways away from having one star in a film of their own. So Sony’s move is a bold and daring one.

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About Bill Gatevackes 2080 Articles
William is cursed with the shared love of comic books and of films. Luckily, this is a great time for him to be alive. His writing has been featured on Broken, and in Comics Foundry magazine.
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