SDCC: Frank Miller on SIN CITY 3: “I’ll be damned if it takes us nine years for the next one!”

SinCityMarvWhile most of yesterday’s Sin City panel at San Diego Comic Con was simply promotion for the forthcoming Sin City: A Dame to Kill For, which opens on August 22nd, there was one juicy tidbit of new information–work has already begun on a third installment of the franchise.

Now it seems that the work consists of only Frank Miller and Robert Rodriguez discussing what a third installment would entail but Miller had promised that he’d “be damned if it takes us nine years for the next one”

There is quite a number of Sin City stories from the comics that have yet to be adapted, notably “And Behind Door Number Three…” and  “The Babe Wore Red” from The Babe Wore Red and Other Stories, “Silent Night”, “Daddy’s Little Girl”, “Fat Man and Little Boy” and “Blue Eyes” and “Rats” from Lost Lonely and Lethal, “Wrong Turn” and “Wrong Track” from Sex & Violence, and the comple graphic novels Family Values and To Hell and Back. Miller has said that another story might come out before Sin City 3, and the latest film illustrates that he will be willing to write for the screen as well.

Of course, A Dame to Kill For has to be a hit before a third film is made, but with the technology Rodriguez and Miller uses to shoot these films, they could start shooting immediately after the first week receipts are tallied.


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About Bill Gatevackes 2080 Articles
William is cursed with the shared love of comic books and of films. Luckily, this is a great time for him to be alive. His writing has been featured on Broken, and in Comics Foundry magazine.
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