New Releases: June 6, 2014

Edge_of_Tomorrow_Poster1. Edge of Tomorrow (Warner Brothers, 3,490 Theaters, 113 Minutes, Rated PG-13 for intense sequences of sci-fi action and violence, language and brief suggestive material):  Okay, let me get it out of the way. “It’s a sci-fi Groundhog’s Day!”

That has been bandied around about this film, like that is somehow a bad idea. It’s not, and this film seems like it puts that concept to good use.

Based on the Japanese novel, All You Need is Kill, Tom Cruise plays a novice soldier who gains the ability to travel back in time. He uses this talent to become a seasoned veteran and one of the few who can fight off the alien horde.

It seems pretty solid. Too bad it is going to get massacred by the other movie opening this week.

the fault in our stars2. The Fault in Our Stars (Fox, 3,172 Theaters,125 Minutes, Rated PG-13 for thematic elements, some sexuality and brief strong language):  If you are of a certain age, namely an old geezer like me, you might not be familiar with the book this film is based on, and might only know its author, John Green, from his You Tube video about the health care system.

You probably also weren’t at BookCon in NYC last weekend. It seemed like every other attendee had a t-shirt based on the book/film, and were buzzing about getting into the John Green panel–or complaining that they couldn’t get in.

So, this film I think is going to catch a lot of people by surprise. On the surface, it seems like treacly shmaltz. But that fan base is loyal and vocal and it has been getting fairly good reviews. Don’t be surprised if this film ends up number one at the box office, with a long run in theaters and a nomination or two come Oscar time.

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About Bill Gatevackes 2080 Articles
William is cursed with the shared love of comic books and of films. Luckily, this is a great time for him to be alive. His writing has been featured on Broken, and in Comics Foundry magazine.
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