STAR WARS VII: Fisher, Ford, and Hamill Spotted In London

StarWarsOne of the most frustrating things about the build up to Star Wars, Episode VII has to be the dance Disney and Lucasfilms are doing around the involvement of franchise’s holy trinity of actors, Mark Hamill,Carrie Fisher, and Harrison Ford, being involved in the production. Their appearance in the film was long rumored, and everything from weight loss regimens to possible Faustian bargains were used as proof, but no official confirmation was given by the studio.

However, as production is about to begin in London, we get our best proof yet that all three are on board with the production, thanks to big hints garnered from social media.

It all started out on Saturday morning, when Carrie Fisher issued this tweet:

In and of itself, that would not really mean anything. It could be Fisher having a bit of fun with her fans. However, later that day, the following picture appeared on Flickr: fordlondonambulanceThat’s Harrison Ford, meeting with members London’ Air Ambulance in the city’s Grosvenor Square Garden. While Fisher was hinting that she might have been in London, Ford actually is in the city. Of course, Ford does have a movie coming out in August, The Expendables 3, so he could just be doing early publicity for that. However, he’s not the only Star Wars alum in London:

As you can see, that is a Twitpic posted yesterday by British actor Peter Serafinowicz of him with a remarkably svelte looking Mark Hamill, completely with a cheeky wink wondering why he might be there. Well, the evidence is piling up.

Let’s go back to Carrie Fisher, who made two cryptic tweets in the early hours of this morning. One at 2:12 AM:

And another at 4:47 am:

Now, you can read some Star Wars related context into those tweets (the “no absolute” thing being the idea that the original cast would absolutely not be returning for any more Star Wars films, and the “jig” in question referring to her involvement with the new trilogy), or they could just be the early morning philosophical wondering of a 57-year-old woman.

But if we put on our Encyclopedia Brown hats for a moment and take a look at those time stamps on those Tweets. I believe Twitter time stamps these tweets in the time zone of the viewer. Since I am on the east coast of the U.S., these tweets are viewed as being sent in the early morning hours. It’s not likely Fisher would be up and Tweeting at 2 am to 4am. But if she sent these from the California, it would place the tweets at 11:12 pm and 1:47 am, still a bit early. However, if London is five hours ahead of us, that would place the Tweets as being made at 7:12 am and 9:47 am there, just about the time frame one would be expected to start their day, be it on set or  on the town. So, using this ham-handed detective work, it appears Fisher also is in the UK.

Hopefully, we will have an official announcement of sorts on May 4th, which has been adopted around the world as a day of celebration for all things Star Wars. But if the Internet’s amateur detective work is correct, then it looks like we’ll be seeing  Luke, Leia, and Han in the next set of sequels.

Via Latino Review

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About Bill Gatevackes 2081 Articles
William is cursed with the shared love of comic books and of films. Luckily, this is a great time for him to be alive. His writing has been featured on Broken, and in Comics Foundry magazine. He also runs the Billboard Comics channel on YouTube.
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