While studios are phasing out distributing physical film prints and filmmakers are well on their way to embracing digital cameras, director Colin Trevorrow made a surprising announcement on twitter last night that he and cinematographer John Schwartzman will be keeping things old school by shooting the upcoming Jurassic Park sequel, Jurassic World, on film in both 35mm and 65mm formats.
Honored to be working with cinematographer John Schwartzman on Jurassic World, shooting this April on 35mm and 65mm film. @Kodak @Panavision
— Colin Trevorrow (@colintrevorrow) February 6, 2014
Of course, the fact that they will be shooting at least a portion of the film in 65mm suggests that they may be aiming to present some sequences in a larger, IMAX format. Dinosaur attack sequences, anyone?
Jurassic World is set for a June 12, 2015 release.
JURASSIC WORLD Will Shoot On 35mm And 65mm Film http://t.co/uvgcsjDWlC
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