Warner Brothers struck gold with movie fans with their Archive Collection service which manufactures on-demand of DVDs and now blu-rays of less popular movies for purchase by film fans. The model has proved so popular that other studios have imitated it, opening up catalogs of films to new audiences after decades of going largely unseen.
It appears that the Warners Archive may be adding a new service if this tweet of theirs (brought to our attention by Bleeding Cool) is any indication.
@jpidgeon We concur! Stay tuned for details to come…
— Warner Archive (@WarnerArchive) January 15, 2014
Given that soundtracks are now pretty much the domain of small, specialty record labels, it seems like this is an ideal extension of their current business model. And one I think will excite movie music fans.
Warner Archive May Be Adding Manufacture-On-Demand Soundtracks http://t.co/kR6G5vdXhm