BATMAN VS. SUPERMAN Michigan Budget Set At $131 Million

BatmanVsSupermanLogoWhen Hollywood shoots in other locations other than California or New York, it does so in order to save money. Think of that while you read the next couple paragraphs.

The Inquisitr recent ran an article about Batman vs. Superman, and for the most part it doesn’t tell us much. Except for one part where they talk to Michigan Film Office’s Michelle Grinnell.

Grinnell states that the budget for the production will be $131 million and there will be both studio and location work in state.

If this seems a little bit low, well, it is. The budget for Man of Steel was $225 million. So either they are getting a great deal for filming in Michigan, or that is just the budget for the Michigan shooting. I’m voting for the latter, because while  Man of Steel mainly shot in Illinois, it also shot in California as well as Vancouver. So expect that budget to get just a bit higher.

The article advises anybody interested in working on the production to keep an eye on the Michigan Film Office’s website. Apparently, if any production jobs become available, be they on or off camera, they will be posted there.

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About Bill Gatevackes 2080 Articles
William is cursed with the shared love of comic books and of films. Luckily, this is a great time for him to be alive. His writing has been featured on Broken, and in Comics Foundry magazine.
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