Emilia Clarke is the new Sarah Connor.
The Game Of Thrones actress has been cast as the mother of the future leader of the resistance against the mechanical killers trying to exterminate the human race in the reboot of the Terminator film franchise. Clarke reportedly beat out Brie Larson for the role and will be stepping into the role made iconic by Linda Hamilton.
Clarke is the first solid casting we’ve heard for the film which is scheduled for a July 1, 2015 release. Arnold Schwarzenegger is rumored to have some sort of role in the new films, though nothing has been formally announced. Jason Clarke is reportedly in talks to take the role of Sarah’s son John Connor. With Jason Clarke is 18 years older than Emilia Clarke, it can probably be inferred that either there will be some time-traveling for the characters in store or that there will be parallel storylines in the film, one in the present and one in the future.
The film is the first of a planned trilogy, with a spinoff television series that would expand on a plot point from the first film.
“Game of Thrones”‘s Emilia Clarke Is Sarah Connor For TERMINATOR Reboot http://t.co/3SNee03Jn7
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