Yes, Wonder Woman Will Be In BATMAN VS. SUPERMAN And Gal Gadot Will Be Playing Her

WonderWomanOkay, I’ll admit that I was wrong. Back in November, I did my best to discount the rumor that Gal Gadot was testing for the role of Wonder Woman in Batman vs. Superman. In my eyes, it didn’t seem logical that the Israeli model/actress would be up for such a major role in the production.

"Fast & Furious" World PremiereI still think that it doesn’t seem logical but it did happen. Warner Brothers confirmed today that Gadot has indeed been cast as Wonder Woman in the Zack Snyder film. The confirmation even comes with platitudes from the director for the actress:

Wonder Woman is arguably one of the most powerful female characters of all time and a fan favorite in the DC Universe. Not only is Gal an amazing actress, but she also has that magical quality that makes her perfect for the role. We look forward to audiences discovering Gal in the first feature film incarnation of this beloved character.

Of course, cynical man that I am, is still have the same reservations about the casting that I expressed back in November. Gadot, at 5’9″, is taller than you average female. But her lithe body type plays in contrast to statuesque nature of Wonder Woman in the comics.  But that might be something that could easily be taken care of in the weight room.

More of a concern to me is the fact that Gadot speaks English with a heavy accent. Check out this behind the scene video from Fast & Furious 6:

Now, Wonder Woman does come from a foreign island and it probably makes more sense to have her speak broken English. But will this go over with fans? Especially if the character gets a film of her own? Unless, of course, Warner Brothers has no intention of ever giving Wonder Woman a film of her own so casting someone who cannot speak English well is not a deal-breaker. Hopefully, this isn’t the case.

Also, we have to see how the character will be used in the film. Wonder Woman is described as the female lead in the film, which means that her backstory and origin must be at the very least mentioned if not delved into in the film. Since the same thing also has to be done with Batman, the film is getting quite busy already. Granted, by this point you don’t have to spend a lot of time setting up Batman’s origin–it’s not like we haven’t seen it before–but we need to see how this Batman is different than the ones in the other movies. Wonder Woman has to be developed from the ground up. Expect a three-hour film at minimum. Or a half-baked two-hour film at worst.

And what does this have to show about the other rumors floating out there about the film? Wonder Woman being in the film was one of the most prevalent rumors out there, being reported by just about every rumor site on the Internet. But this doesn’t mean any of the other rumors are true, necessarily. The Gal Gadot rumor I commented on in November came from Variety, a well-respected industry publication. And even then wouldn’t go all in on Gadot auditioning for Wonder Woman. So, despite the fact that Daniel Alter is taking credit for a scoop, it doesn’t mean any of his other rumors will hold water. Although, maybe….

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About Bill Gatevackes 2080 Articles
William is cursed with the shared love of comic books and of films. Luckily, this is a great time for him to be alive. His writing has been featured on Broken, and in Comics Foundry magazine.
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