Has Warner Brothers Registered Some Possible URLs For BATMAN VS SUPERMAN?


Warner Brothers has been busy registering internet domain names again, and they might be indications as to possible titles that the studio has under consideration for their Man Of Steel sequel which everyone has been shorthanding as Batman Vs Superman.

According to Fusible (via Coming Soon), the studio has registered the following internet domains through the internet brand protection company MarkMonitor.

  • Man of Steel Battle the Knight
  • Man of Steel Beyond Darkness
  • Man of Steel Black of Knight
  • Man of Steel Darkness Falls
  • Man of Steel Knight Falls
  • Man of Steel Shadow of the Night
  • Man of Steel The Blackest Hour
  • Man of Steel The Darkness Within

Fusible notes that MarkMonitor is the company who manages the registration for Warner’s own website as well as the already registered BatmanVsSuperman. Dot com and dot net versions of all of these titles have been registered, as well as some shorter versions of these possible titles such as “Battle the Knight”, “Black of Knight”, “Knight Falls”, and “The Blackest Hour.”

Honestly, none of them particularly thrill me, certainly not to the level of excitement and interest I have in the film itself.

As to Warner’s tying down a number of possibilities already, this is nothing new. We’ve seen studios register URLs in advance of announcing developments on projects before. Sometimes it turns out that the URL is for a video game and not a film or television project, so caution should be exercised here in regards to exactly what these might be used for. We should also note that, according to a recent story in the Hollywood Reporter, Warners is also the studio that is most agressive when it comes to registering Trademarks on their properties. This could be just an extension of that practice.

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About Rich Drees 7298 Articles
A film fan since he first saw that Rebel Blockade Runner fleeing the massive Imperial Star Destroyer at the tender age of 8 and a veteran freelance journalist with twenty-five years experience writing about film and pop culture. He is a member of the Philadelphia Film Critics Circle.
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