Joss Whedon Does A Polish On THOR: THE DARK WORLD

JossWhedonAvengersSetYou’d think that Joss Whedon’s job as creative overseer of Marvel’s film output would be relatively easy. Sure, he’d have to work Avengers: Age of Ultron, but his involvement with the other films surely just dealt with making sure the all flowed together nicely, right?

Apparently not, because his job all so requires him to fly out to sets an do last minute rewrites when scenes don’t work out during shooting.

Thor: The Dark World‘s director Alan Taylor spoke with Britsh magazine SFX for their latest issue, and said that Whedon had to fly out to the London set to do a quick polish on several scenes from the film:

“Joss came in to save our lives a couple of times,” laughs the director. “We had a major scene that was not working on the page at all in London, and he basically got airlifted in, like a SWAT team or something. He came down, rewrote the scene, and before he got back to his plane I sort of grabbed him and said, ‘And this scene and this scene?’ And he rewrote two other scenes that I thought had problems. Then finally we let go of him, he took off again, and we shot the scenes; and they were just much better and much lighter on their feet. Much more fun, much more surprising than what we had been trying to do. I can relate to guys who come out of the TV world, since that’s where I come from. And being able to land and work and solve a problem quickly… I really was grateful.”

I wonder what any of the films six writers who had weeks to write the film think of one man hopping off a plane for a few hours, doing a quick rewrite and making the film they spent all that time writing “much better.”

We can play a rousing game of “Find the Whedonism” when Thor: The Dark World opens on November 8th.

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About Bill Gatevackes 2080 Articles
William is cursed with the shared love of comic books and of films. Luckily, this is a great time for him to be alive. His writing has been featured on Broken, and in Comics Foundry magazine.
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