Sean Young Wants To Be In The BLADE RUNNER Sequel And Wants You To Boycott It If She Isn’t


There are a lot of people looking forward to what Ridley Scott will be doing in his in development sequel to his classic science-fiction noir Blade Runner. One of those is actresss Sean Young, who starred in the film alongside Harrison Ford. She’s hoping that Scott has in mind a way to bring back her character of Rachel, a replicant who believed she was a real person and if not, well she hopes that people don’t go see the film at all.

Speaking with Entertainment Weekly while on the press circuit for her upcoming film Jug Face, Young didn’t beat around the bush when asked about the sequel –

Mmm, let’s see. Alcon – they’re the ones that own it and apparently they have Ridley to direct it — and when I met with them they didn’t make any offer-plans to include me. And when I called Ridley Scott’s office, he doesn’t call me back. So I guess they’re going to go, like, prequel or…I don’t know what they’re going to do. But my official opinion is that, if they don’t include me in it, everybody should boycott it. Because it’s stupid not to have me in it. It’s really stupid. That’s my opinion! I mean, you try to tell people something sensible in Hollywood and sometimes they just don’t listen, you know. And they usually pay the price too, because everybody’s an expert.

Now, I know that it would be easy to chalk this up to yet another in a long list of sanity-questionable things that Young has said or done over the course of her career. But I am certainly going to attempt to defend her, because I think that her attitude is incredibly naive. There are a number of reasons for Scott to not include her in the film including that it might be a prequel, her character might not be necessary to the story he wants to tell or that the film is a sequel set in a time period where she might not look age appropriate for the part anymore, to put it politely. Just because you were in a film does not automatically mean you get to be in any sequel.

What I will say is that Young is once again not doing herself any favors. Her talent is evident in projects that give her some good material to work with, like Blade Runner. But statements certainly don’t endear her to other creative types in the business and I imagine that many of them have second thoughts about employing those talents. If she doesn’t watch out, I would not be surprised if Blade Runner II opened with Ford’s Deckard standing in front of a simple grave stone with Rachel’s name on it.

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About Rich Drees 7298 Articles
A film fan since he first saw that Rebel Blockade Runner fleeing the massive Imperial Star Destroyer at the tender age of 8 and a veteran freelance journalist with twenty-five years experience writing about film and pop culture. He is a member of the Philadelphia Film Critics Circle.
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