Part Of DOCTOR STRANGE Plot Leaked

SBSCOOPBANNERYou have to hand it to El Mayimbe, he’s shameless. You’d think that coming off a bad run of scoops that never paid off, he’d be more conciliatory with his fan base. Not him! No, for his next scoop, he’s going to break it up into multiple parts, make you watch a video each time to find out, and before he gets to the point, he’s forces you to watch an ad for that IndieGogo project of his.

The scoop in question is the plot of the Doctor Strange film, which El Mayimbe is absolutely certain that Marvel is going to officially announce at San Diego Comic Con on July 20th. The video in question is embedded below.

Now, if you have no interest in sitting through video, I really can’t blame you (although I think its worth a look for the intriguing use of images in the slideshow that runs over El Mayimbe’s voice. Kinda hilarious.) So, let me sum up. Basically, this installment is the origin from the comics right up to the point Stephen Strange becomes destitute, with a big part of Doctor Doom’s back story stolen and given to Strange (only with his mother replaced by his sister), magic has been around him since he was a child, and he is portrayed as a Tony Stark clone(with a lot of “swagger”).

It’s hard to critique this plot treatment. For one, it’s incomplete. Two, it’s fairly obvious that El Mayimbe does not have the script in front of him and is just going off what someone told him the plot would be. This means it’s hard to tell if the plot inconsistencies (such as going directly from Strange hallucinating while operating to him driving his tree into a telephone pole) are actually the sign of a bad plot or just the way El Mayimbe read them.

We’ll report on the rest of the installments for you to save you from going over to Latino Review yourself.


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About Bill Gatevackes 2080 Articles
William is cursed with the shared love of comic books and of films. Luckily, this is a great time for him to be alive. His writing has been featured on Broken, and in Comics Foundry magazine.
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