Among the many gems on anime director Hayao Miyazaki’s resume is his 1989 adaptation of Eiko Kadono’s children’s novel about an young witch setting up her own business as part of her studies, Kiki’s Delivery Service.
The book is being adapted again, this time into a live action film from director Takashi Shimizu. Now the man who helped launch the J-horror cycle of films of the last decade with Ju-On and it’s American remake The Grudge may seem like an odd choice to bring a series of children’s books to life, but the first picture released from the production below (from Eiga via Bleeding Cool) looks promising. It features star Shoshiba Fuka in character on one of the film’s sets. I like the bright, primary colors featured in the photo and they remind me a bit of the production design of Warren Beatty’s Dick Tracy.
The film is set for release in Japan next spring, and there has been no word yet as to distribution in the United States. Not that that’s ever stopped a film from being seen.