Is Chadwick Boseman In Line To Play BLACK PANTHER?

chadwick-boseman-premiere-zero-dark-thirty-01Chadwick Boseman might go from playing a baseball legend to playing the king of an African nation. That is, if El Mayimbe got one right for a change.

The oft-wrong Latino Review reporter states that Boseman is “at the top of a VERY short list” of actors Marvel has an eye on to play Black Panther. Mayimbe says that Boseman price being low added to 42 raising his profile higher and higher makes him very appealing to the studio.

And he says as much so eloquently, too:

Marvel operates a drone program inside Los Angeles county. So if you Angelenos look up in the sky you should spot an MQ-9 Reaper drone within the Beverly Hills/Century City area. The drone’s Hellfire missiles are looking for HEAT SIGNATURES on talent within the vicinity. No other movie studio’s drone program chases heat the way Marvel does.

In other words, Marvel Studios are star fuckers. Actually, up and coming star fuckers. So if you pop in a recent hit movie or hit TV show, Fin Fang Feige wants to talk to you bro! Some recent examples include Michael Rooker (Walking Dead), Chris Pratt (Zero Dark Thirty), and who can forget Chris Hemsworth’s 15 minutes as Captain Kirk’s papi in JJ’s Star Trek.

So anyway, something happened last month. A movie came out starring an up and comer in his first leading man role which was quite the home run for the studio. In fact that movie is still performing at the box office and will double it’s production budget by this weekend. Box office nerds tell me that this film has a trajectory that could hit $100 million when it’s all said and done.

The film?


It’s up and coming star?

Chadwick Boseman.

Yes, all that and he’s usually wrong too. Now do you see the amount of joy I get in covering El Mayimbe’s rumors?

Of course, I could say that Rooker had a 25 year career before he signed on for The Walking Dead  and, until last season, he was barely on the show. Also, it’s debatable if Pratt “popped” in his comic relief role in Zero Dark Thirty or that Hemsworth’s bit part in Star Trek was the most talked about part of that movie. In addition, Hemsworth had two films in the can, yet unreleased (The Cabin in the Woods and Red Dawn) by the time Thor was shot, so he wasn’t necessarily a babe in the woods either. Finally, are Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo or even Edward Norton considered up and comers? Really?

Other than that, the rumor seems plausible. But that’s the thing–all of El Mayimbe’s rumors seem plausible. Yet, a lot of them turn out not to be true. Even Mayimbe realizes this, as he gives himself a number of out throughout the article. I guess we’ll see how right he is if or when Black Panther makes it to the big screen.


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About Bill Gatevackes 2080 Articles
William is cursed with the shared love of comic books and of films. Luckily, this is a great time for him to be alive. His writing has been featured on Broken, and in Comics Foundry magazine.
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