Is There A Sub-Mariner Movie In Marvel’s Phase Three Plans?

Namor-The-SubmarineWith just a few months to the release of Iron Man 3 and the start of “Phase Two” of their superhero franchise films plans, Marvel Studios is looking ahead towards the movies that will come after The Avengers 2 hits theaters in May 2015. We do know that Edgar Wright’s Ant-Man will be the first release of Phase Three in November 2015. We also know that despite previous reports, Marvel is not planning out Phase Three as an adaptation of the Planet Hulk/ World War Hulk storylines.

But what other films are the studio looking at? We know that in the past the studio had been developing movies based on the comic series Dr. Strange, The Inhumans and The Runaways, any of which may

And now there is another possible Marvel hero in the mix – Prince Namor, The Sub-Mariner. The latest issue of the British genre magazine Empire (via dropped the character’s name in their latest issue in an article on the upcoming Iron Man 3. Speculating on the film lineup for Phase Three, Empire reported –

More Iron Man/Thor/Cap adventures probable, plus finally, a proper Hulk standalone (Planet Hulk?). Ant-Man is a confirmed intro (November 6, 2015); planned intros include Spock-esque fishy-bloke Namor The Sub-Mariner and magnificently ‘tached magic-man Doctor Strange. Will end with Avengers 3 in 2018ish, which could see a super-angry Hulk’s return (World War Hulk!).

While the Planet Hulk info in the quote is old, I’m willing to forgive them due to the lead time for print journalism.

So who exactly is Price Namor? He is the son of a human sea captain and a princess of the mythical Atlantis and is just as likely to help humanity as he is to attack them for perceived slights against his undersea kingdom.

And remember that map in one of the closing scenes of Iron Man 2 when Tony Stark was debriefed by SHIELD honcho Nick Fury? Notice one of the areas of interest? Fandom has long speculated that that spot out in the Atlantic Ocean is an indicator that Marvel is considering a Sub-Mariner film at some point. It remains to be seen if Empire is just going along with that fan assumption or are they privy to some inside information?


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About Rich Drees 7304 Articles
A film fan since he first saw that Rebel Blockade Runner fleeing the massive Imperial Star Destroyer at the tender age of 8 and a veteran freelance journalist with twenty-five years experience writing about film and pop culture. He is a member of the Philadelphia Film Critics Circle.
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