Yesterday a rumor swept through Star Wars fandom that one of the settings for the upcoming Star Wars: Episode VII would be the secret Rebel Base on Yavin IV seen all the way back in the original Star Wars film. It certainly seemed plausible enough given the importance of the location in the Star Wars Expanded Universe and that it looks like Mark Hamill may be returning to the franchise as Luke Skywalker. However, there was one turn of phrase that made me think that
Turns out my suspicions were correct.
The folks from The Force managed to catch up with Reuters reporter Michael McDonald, who admitted that he was a bit less than clear in his report.
This was a mistake. I misunderstood what fan clubs had told me and shown me in book plots and that storyline has not been announced by Disney. Perhaps I should have written something along the lines of ‘Yavin 4 appears in several Star Wars book plots and while Guatemala fans said they hope film crews return to Tikal, the company has not announced plans for the new episode.’
So there you go. And now we wait for the next rumor, which I am sure will be on its way to us in no time.
This is going to happen a LOT, I think.
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Kinda figured that this rumor was bunko.