Rian Johnson’s Looper was a well crafted and twisty time travel tale. While it remains to be seen if his screenplay is going to be up for Academy Award consideration, you can take a look at the four page story outline that he wrote the script from.
Posting it on the film’s Tumbler, Johnson describes the treatment as a “prose sketch” and while it doesn’t really contain many of the elements from the film’s second half, it can easily be read on its own as a rather stylishly told short story.
Johnson describes the genesis of the treatment thusly –
At the time we were still trying and failing to get Brick made, and out of frustration I started writing short ideas that we could film with no money. The Psychology of Dream Analysis was one that we actually made, this was another (though we never ended up shooting it.) It sat in a drawer for seven years, until I pulled it out and used it as a sort of treatment for what became the full script.