RESERVOIR DOGS And PULP FICTION Heading To Theaters For Night Only Screenings

This fall is shaping into a good month for Quentin tarantino fans. On November 20th we have the arrival of the Tarantino XX: 8 Film Collection on blu-ray which celebrates the director’s two deacde career so far. Folloning that on Christmas we have the release of his latest film, the spaghetti-western/revenge film mashup Django Unchained. But if that’s not enough Tarantino for you, you will now be able to see two of his most seminal films in theaters for one night only each.

Miramax and Fathom are teaming up to present Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction in theaters on December 4th and 6th respectively. Now these will be presented digitally, probably with Fathom’s usual 1080i compressed picture, so the quality won’t be as good as the standard digital prints that most theaters project. Still, in addition to the films there will also be “a special feature showcasing Tarantino’s 20-year career and a selection of hand-picked movie trailers from films that inspired him as a filmmaker.” I would guess that at least one or two of those trailers will be for movies that directly inspired Django Unchained.

You can find information on which theaters will be histing the screenings and ticket information at Fathom Events or Miramax’s website for the Tarantino XX blur-ray release.

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About Rich Drees 7298 Articles
A film fan since he first saw that Rebel Blockade Runner fleeing the massive Imperial Star Destroyer at the tender age of 8 and a veteran freelance journalist with twenty-five years experience writing about film and pop culture. He is a member of the Philadelphia Film Critics Circle.
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