New MAN OF STEEL Set Photos Reveal More Of Superman’s New Costume

One of the most recent changes involving DC Comics and parent company Warner Brothers is that there would be coordination between tha comic book company and the film studio when it came to adapting DC properties to the screen. An offshoot of the new coordination was on display this week.

Superman’s new costume, pictured on the right, made its debut Tuesday night in Justice League #1, the first book of the much-publicized relaunch of the entire DC comic book line. As you can see, the new costume contains  elements of the classic Superman costume–the red cape, the “S” shield, etc–but changed enough that it could stave off a lawsuit from the rights holders of the original costume–the Siegel family.

This week, in an incredible “coincidence,” a series of set photos were “leaked” to the Internet that gave fans a better look at the costume Henry Cavill will be wearing in 2013’s Man of Steel. And, lo and behold, the new film costume looks remarkably similar to the new comic book costume.

Several weeks ago, the first official image from the film was released, but most of the costume was obscured in shadow. These new images were supposedly taken by a “fan” on set in broad daylight.

As you can see, the film costume has lost the red shorts of the original costume, much as the comic book costume has and the “S” shields are almost the same. The film costume also has the textured, armor-like look the new comic book costume has as well. The cape, while not seen in the picture to the left, is a part of the film costume, as you will see below.  The film’s costume’s neckline is closer to the original than the new costume, it’s lost the red belt, and is a few shades darker than the comic version, but it appears the one was inspired by the other. The only thing to ask is which came first in the design process–the comic book costume or the film costume.

For those who hate the new comic book costume and hope the original costume will eventually return, well, it looks like you will have to wait for at least until June of 2013, after Man of Steel opens, before the original costume returns. But odds are that the original will be gone for even longer, if not forever, due to the legal battles between Warners/DC and the Siegel and Shuster families.

More set photos below, including one where it looks like Supes will be facing off against the same bad guys Captain America and Thor were seen fighting a few days ago. I smell crossover!




















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About Bill Gatevackes 2080 Articles
William is cursed with the shared love of comic books and of films. Luckily, this is a great time for him to be alive. His writing has been featured on Broken, and in Comics Foundry magazine.
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