Japanese director Takashi Miike’s live-action adaption of the popular manga and anime series Nintama Rantaro (Ninja Kids!!) is being targeted for a English-language, Hollywood remake.
The Hollywood Reporter states that an unnamed production company has entered into negotiations to secure the US remake rights. Apparently interest in the project began after a successful screening of the movie at the New York Asian Film festival in July.
The film is based on the long-running manga and anime series about a group of young ninja trainees.
Having a children’s film on his resume may seem strange for those who only know Miike for his more extreme films like Audition, Ichi The Killer and Dead Or Alive and more commercial horror fare like One Missed Call. But the director has also family movies like Zebraman and The Great Yokai War. I suppose in this respect his career is similar to Robert Rodriguez’s, as he has had success with both genre films like his Mariachi films or Sin City and family fare like his Spy Kids series. Perhaps Rodriguez would be a good choice to direct this English-language adaption?