If you missed catching Woody Allen’s latest comedy, Midnight In Paris, this summer amidst the glut of summer blockbusters at the local Cineplex you will get a second chance next weekend. Sony Pictures Classics is planning on releasing the film back on to 500 more screens.
The film is just passing the $50 million mark, making it Allen’s highest grossing movie of his career. The film, which stars Owen Wilson, had a platform release that started last May which ultimately saw it on a little more than 1,000 screens by June. Although the film scored high with critics (92% on Rotten Tomatoes) and with audiences, the studio feels that there is still enough buzz about the film to sell a few more tickets as the summer blockbuster season grinds down.
The re-release is also part of the studio’s strategy to begin positioning the film for an Academy Awards campaign.
“All the pundits seem to say that we’ve got a good chance to fare well, so we have an awards plan in the works for a lot of the categories, including best picture,” stated Sony Pictures Classics co-president Tom Bernard in a press release.