Dimesnions is finally starting to move forward with a sequel to their black comedy hit Bad Santa. The studio has hired two writers – Johnny Rosenthal and John Phillips – to work on two separate screenplays that could be used for a potential sequel to the Billy Bob Thornton-starring film. If the studio likes both, one will be set aside for use for a third film.
Both writers are fairly unknown quantities, as neither of them has sold a script that has so far gone into production. Rosenthal recently sold a script entitled Dirty Grandpa a about a “recently widowed, sexually aggressive grandfather,” to Universal, so he does sound like he should be able to handle a story about an alcoholic thief who poses as a mall Santa in order to case stores to potentially rob.
Bad Santa turned out to be one of the surprise comedy hits of 2003.The film pulled $76 million at the worldwide box office against a budget of $26 million, plus unreported revenue from both the theatrical and an unrated Badder Santa DVD release. And it has puzzled me that it’s taken so long for the studio get around to making a follow up. I’m just glad that they are.
Via 24 Frames.