So yeah, here’s the trailer for the upcoming remake of Footloose. What can I say about this trailer that doesn’t make me sound like a cranky old man? It looks more like a rip off one of those Step Up films than a remake of the original Footloose.
There’s some awful line delivery and lots of people glaring at each other, which doesn’t necessarily equate to actual drama. And no offense to Dennis Quaid, but what we’re seeing of him here is nowhere near as engaging as John Lithgow’s in the original.
And it also appears as if they’ve downplayed the whole “Dancing is a sin” angle from the first to “Let’s outlaw dancing Because some kids died in a car accident on the way home from a dance.” It’s an absolutely stupid sounding change – Why not just outlaw teens driving? – that can only be to keep the film from coming under fire from reactionaries in the Bible-belt.
Please note that I say all this as someone who is not particularly a big fan of the original film.
Anyway, as the poster which was also released tells us, the film will be out in October. That gives marketing about four months to make a better argument as to why I should go and see this film than the trailer does.
Tags: Movie Trailers, Movies Blog