Is There A Film Adaption Of THE BOOK OF MORMON In The Musical’s Future?

Could the biggest Broadway hit of the season be making its way to the silver screen?

It’s possible. In the midst of a story that ran at Deadline over Easter weekend (classy scheduling there) concerning some in-development film projects that might rile up various conservative religious types, it was reported that South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone have thought about the possibility of bringing their musical The Book Of Mormon to the big screen. Parker and Stone confirmed that while no offers have been forwarded, the duo have discussed the possibility of a film version with the musical’s producer Scott Rudin.

Co-created with Avenue Q‘s Robert Lopez, Book Of Mormon opened this past March to rave reviews (including our own) and packed houses. Of course, much of the press coverage surrounding the show has been centered on the fact that the show does make fun of various aspects of the modern orthodoxy, but neglects to mention that it also is ultimately very respectful of the religion’s practioners.

And while Deadline’s overall piece was slanted towards making the point that studios can be skittish about producing films with overtly religious controversial material, Parker dismissed the notion that Book Of Mormon‘s subject matter would keep Hollywood from knocking on their door.

We’ve learned in our careers that as long as something is successful, they will give you money for it. They just want to make money in Hollywood, they don’t really care. As long as the musical continues to do well, I don’t think it’s going to be hard at all.

I would love to see a big screen adaption of Book Of Mormon, especially if they can get as much as of the original cast to participate as possible. (Josh Gad is a must!) I think the show has enough material in it that can be opened up for a cinematic version. And as subversive as the musical is of certain Broadway tropes, I can easily see Parker, Stone and Lopez being equally so with a movie version.

And, if you’ve seen the show, you just know that the show-stopping production number “Spooky Mormon Hell Dream” could only be even cooler when realized on film.

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About Rich Drees 7297 Articles
A film fan since he first saw that Rebel Blockade Runner fleeing the massive Imperial Star Destroyer at the tender age of 8 and a veteran freelance journalist with twenty-five years experience writing about film and pop culture. He is a member of the Philadelphia Film Critics Circle.
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