As the troubled production of Men In Black III continues its march towards the end of principal photography, another actor has joined the cast. Michael Stuhlbarg has signed on to the film to play a character named Griffin.
I can’t tell you much about the character, as there isn’t much known outside of the fact that the character will appear in the portion of the film set in the 1960s, as that’s the section still being filmed. Sharlto Copley was interested in the role last year, but for some reason never was offered a deal.
Last seen on the big screen in the Coen Brother’s A Serious Man, Stuhlbarg is currently starring in HBO’s Boardwalk Empire.
Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones are both back as the special agents who help aliens adjust to life on Earth. Thanks to a bit of time travelling, Josh Brolin will be playing the younger version of Jones’ Agent K while Eve Jones will play the younger version of Emma Thompson’s modern day head of the Men In Black agency.
Barring no further complications and delays, Men In Black III is scheduled to open on May 25, 2012.