Quentin Tarantino’s next film is going to be a spaghetti western.
If you are surprised by this, then you just haven’t been paying attention. It should be fairly obvious by now that the director has been working his way through the various film genres over the course of his career. He’s had tips of the ten gallon hat to westerns in some of his films before, most notably Kill Bill Volume 2. In his most recent movie, the men-on-a-mission, World War Two adventure Inglorious Basterds, he blatantly quoted John Ford’s seminal western The Searchers in one shot. For Tarantino to be making his next film in the spaghetti western tradition just feels like the right next project for the director.
And what makes this news even more interesting is that it looks like Tarantino will be working once again with his Inglorious Basterds star Christoph Waltz. The German actor made quite an impact in Basterds, winning an Academy Award for this his first English-language film and it is exciting to hear that the two will be teaming up again.
Outside of these two points, though, there is not much known about the project. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t plenty of rumors flying about. (It is a Tarantino project after all.) Italian director Franco Nero has been saying in the press that the film will definitely be called The Angel, The Bad And The Wise, but as good a title as that is, it has already been debunked over at AintltCool. Nero is also saying that Treat Williams, Keith Carradine and himself all have roles in the picture, but I think we can take that with the appropriately-sized grain of salt. Another rumor pegs production to begin in the Fall, possibly in Italy and Spain. Again, apply salt as you feel necessary.
While you expect the next Tarantino´s movie you can read more about Westerns in “La novela antihistórica”.
Issue# 1 “Alcolea”, great novel u can get completely for free.
Issue# 9 Comments on Charles Portis “True grit”.