New Releases: May 8

star_trek_movie_poster_imax1. Star Trek (Paramount,  3,849 Theaters, 126 Minutes, Rated PG-13): If you thought comic book fans were a persnickity crowd to please, imagine Trekkers. They have been exhibiting their love for the mythos for over 40 years. They took a cult TV series that was only on for three years and made it into a cultural phenomenon. They are very concerned with any and all examples of what they love done right.

Enter J.J. Abrams, author of one of the worst attempted reboots of the Superman franchise,  and his utter reboot of this franchise. This is, as the ads claim, not your father’s Star Trek, and it shows. You will be getting the first meeting of Kirk and his Enterprise crew, but it will be different than what has come before. Continuity has been changed. Deal with it.

Usually, this would cause an uproar. Instead, we get excitement. Reviews have been fairly positive (to find out what FBOL head honcho Rich Drees thinks about the film, click here.) I hope it will be as good as it looks. But will the longtime fans be happy?

next_day_air-poster-mos_def2. Next Day Air (Summit Entertainment, 1,138 Theaters, 90 Minutes, Rated R): And for you non-Trekkers, here is an alternative.

This is a comedy about a group of workers at a delivery service for whom quality is job none. They steal packages, beat up boxes, and basically do a crappy job.

However, when a shipment of drugs passes by their way, and their incompetence cause it to not make it to its scheduled destination, all hell breaks loose.

Some times movies are released on the same day as a major blockbuster in hopes of capturing some of the blockbuster’s overflow. Good luck when it comes to this one.

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About Bill Gatevackes 2080 Articles
William is cursed with the shared love of comic books and of films. Luckily, this is a great time for him to be alive. His writing has been featured on Broken, and in Comics Foundry magazine.
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